Sunday 24 January 2016

Media Ideologies

Godzilla (2014)
The films shows the audience that Nature cannot be controlled and that humans should not try to interfere, this ideology is personified by the character played by Ken Watanabe who pretty much says all of this as cities are being destroyed by the monsters.

The Shawshank Redemption
The main ideology of the film is Hope giving you a reason to live, The whole main plot line of the movie revolves around Andy not giving up despite being locked in prison for a large portion of his life. The film also uses the ideology of power corrupts as seen with the Warden misusing his status in order for his own personal gain.

The Lord Of The Rings
The main ideology of these films is that of good triumphing over evil and the light defeating the darkness.Though there are several other important ideologies in these movies including power corrupts, which is objectified in the Ring and a victim of this is Gollum.With another ideology being not to judge people by their size as seen with the hobbits performing extreme tasks whilst being judged by their size

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