Sunday 7 February 2016

Examples of the representation on gender and sexuality in TV drama

Jessica Jones
This character is a counter type to most women stereotypes in many ways. Firstly, she is the central and titular character of her series on Netflix which contrasts with the stereotype that women are side characters. Additionally, she shows personality traits that are not commonly associated with women, being independent, strong and having super powers.This is unlike the common portrayals of women in TV drama, where they are often submissive and reliant on the strength of men in the plot. Furthermore, her actions are very bold, with her often getting into fights and drinking heavily on nights out. This contrasts with the idea that women are more concerned about the home and their family, working as a housewife more often than not.

Omar (The Wire)
The character of Omar contrasts a great deal with the 2 most stereotypical representations of homosexual men in TV. Firstly, Omar is a gangster in Baltimore and intimidates drug dealers and other gangsters and this violent profession completely contrast with the common stereotype that gay men are over the top and feminine in personality. Additionally, Omar contrasts with the second major stereotype that if gay men aren't like the mentioned stereotype, they are reclusive and try to hide their sexuality. Omar is very open about his sexuality, something which a audience expects to be a weakness as other gangs may view him as being lesser, however this is not the case as he is intimidating and frightening to most of them.